
59 Movie Reviews

17 w/ Responses

Overall a good entertaining fight with smooth movements.Though it felt kind of 1 sided making the select a winner part unneeded.

This was really good. Its very rare that a first vid is this good.(R1665 must be a really good teacher)

anyways the animation was very smooth and the story was interesting as well. I look forward to see where this goes in the future.

HeartlessKarma responds:

thank you.
i hope i don't disapoint!

one word.


good but...

this is one of my favorite series on newgrounds and while the action and story aspects were the best by far the viseo itself was shorter than the others and as a result felt a little empty espeacially after the long wait. the action was really good though so that made up for the wait. also the sprites in your videos as well as your backgrounds allways look like they were in jpeg compression wich messes up the visual quality of the video.

it was ok but

you shouldn't use the same background AND music that was used in another animation. you an get away with one of the 2 but people will take points away from both...unless they saw your animation before the other.(or there one of the rare ones that don't care about who uses what recources)

Also 48 is good yes but higher frame rates are for characters who have lots of sprites of a single movement(like a street fighter 3rd strike characters use 9 frames for one kick. or 3D characters) kirbies on the other hand are ment for somewhere between 27-32 fps.

Sup odd(this is 5h0ck)

This vid has a nice concept and the animation was smooth but the lack of found sorta killed da mood espeacially during the explosions. Soudless explosions take away from the overall expeirience of the video.

I understand that sound itself may not allways be easy to find but substitute sounds are better than absolutly no sound effects.

fuken awsome

Dude that was just plain sick.


I've been waiting to see this for a very long time and i am not disapointed.

BTW where did u find Maya I've been looking for her for a very long time.

sounds like it may be good

just make sure in future vids you set the music to stream so it doesn't go on forever, although there are SOME occasions where u need it to go on forever like when using the spacebar to continue action script.


ZOMG! i'm in da credits.

ok now for real review.
I loved the part with Reiko though i was confused as to what he was doing there at least untill read his bio wich leads me to believe that he might now have been hit by that last blast(wich was cool as fuk)

When i read the part about shange tsunge the first thing I thought of was MKU3(possible crossover there maybe....hopefully an exucse to put Jago or scorpion)

now the text on the other hand. in my personaly oppinion i liked the space to continue since some of the text went to just a little too fast on its own making me miss the last sentence for some...its ur animation and the movie was good so I'll overlook that and just watch it again so i don't miss them.

now the only thing left for me to say is that in this movie the Hiryu recolor whos name i just forgot(and to me looks closer to the recolor hiryu in MKU2)
is my fav in this movie.

smoothuser responds:

Thanks a lot man. I do appreciate my fans because often times, we think alike. I do have a crossover planned. My BIG PICTURE goal is to have a full crossover. Once I have established a foundation for each movie, I'll put them all in one. Since everybody will have a chance to see where all the characters came from in their respective movies, everyone will be able to follow the big crossover. I kinda agree with you on the text. Honestly, I like the flow of the auto text, but I like the control of the spacebar text, and like you said it gives you more time to read it without missing anything. I'm kinda in limbo. I'll see what the fans like you like and i'll do the next installment that way. But, since you missed some of the text, feel free to watch it again haha! Replay value babyyyy!! Thanks for watching and rating.

A.K.A 5h0ck and my youtube is 5h0ckblock. I sprite animate because its fun...and also because i enjoy good fights.

5h0ck @diochi

Age 33, Male

game developer

Joined on 1/1/07

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